Samsung receives approval to test self-driving cars in South Korea

Samsung receives approval to test self-driving cars in South Korea
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Samsung has received approval to test self-driving vehicles in South Korea and will begin with a “Hyundai equipped with the latest cameras and sensors,” according to The Korean Herald. Little is known about Samsung’s intentions at this time.
The move comes a few weeks after Apple received similar approval to test self-driving vehicles in California. Two years ago, the firm established a team to work on self-driving tech, but did not say if it planned to enter the market or simply partner with others. To test self-driving cars in the country, the company had to receive approval from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport.
Hyundai, Uber, and Toyota have all went through the same approval process before.Samsung has declined to comment on the approval.
It has also not said if it plans to expand the tests to Silicon Valley or Europe.

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